AI-BOTS PTY. LTD. is a privately owned limited liability company whose purpose is to:

  • facilitate internationally competitive artificial intelligence programming contests;
  • facilitate competitive artificial intelligence programming at other levels;
  • facilitate research for artificial intelligence programming, ranking methods, map generation, etc.;
  • facilitate a fun/productive way to improve one's programming skills, which can be useful for employment;
  • provide numerous realistic pathways for beginners to reach the intermediate levels required to start competing.

AI-BOTS PTY. LTD. run contests where bots are matched against each other. Users code a bot in a programming language of their choice, which verse against each other on our servers. Each user has an ELO rating which is updated at the end of each game based on how well they performed. The leaderboards rank users based on their ELO ratings.

We are funded entirely by donations from sponsors and users. Funding is used for:

  • prize money;
  • paying graphic designers and developers for things like graphics, logos, map generators, game engines, match viewers (local/online), servers, etc.;
  • paying staff for any other required duties;
  • hiring servers;
  • bounties for identifying security vulnerabilities.
For more information see the sponsors and funding pages.

Major Sponsors